Monday, January 8

The five 'species'

Today, I want to tell you about the classification of all living beings, including humans, into five species ('jaati'). Without delay, these are the 5 species:

Here are the details:

1. ekendriya: These are the organisms with only one sense. eg many microbes
2. dvindriya: 2 senses
3. trindriya: 3 senses
4. chaturindriya: 4 senses
5. panchendriya: 5 senses, eg humans, dogs, crow, etc.

The significance of the classification can be illustrated with this example: The classification tells us the comparative 'importance' of the living organisms, i.e. the ekendriya organisms are underpriviledged to the dvindriya and so on... Now, suppose, by mistake you killed a trindriya organism, so you get less 'karmas' tied with your soul as compared to when you kill a chaturindriya organism. Note, a soul can shift its mortal body from ekendriya to panchendriya, even, through good deeds. If even an animal thinks good or does good, (has enough good deeds), he can even become a human being in his upcoming births. And we, the humans, if do evil deeds, can even go to the ekendriyta jaati.

Here's a real story: There was a jungle. Once there was a forest fire in the jungle. All the animals ran and gathered in a small piece of ground, where fire was ineffective. There was an elephant among those. He suddenly felt some itching and to relieve it, lifted one f his legs, and history has it, that a small rabbit came running into the smaller piece of land where the elephant had his leg. Then, as the elephant began keeping his leg back on ground, he saw the rabbit, and so high feelings of magnamity aroused in him, that he kept his leg lifted, though it was very difficult. But he did not even think about killing the rabbit. Months passed by... After the fire was extinguished due to the rains, every animal ran back away into the jungle. The elephant began keeping his leg on the ground, and damn, couldnt move it. He fell, and died there, and then, was reborn in heaven.
So you see?
I once again request my readers to keep 'samta'.