Saturday, March 31

महावीर जयंती / Mahavir Jayanti

Well, today's Mahavir Jayanti, the big day!!; the birth anniversary of the greatest man to ever walk the earth (well, atleast in this avasarpani kaal), i.e. Mahavir Swami (महावीर स्वामी). Today, I want to tell my readers about this great man or better this great soul.
He was to be born to Rishabhdatt (ऋषभदत्त ब्राह्मण) and Devananda (देवानंदा ब्राह्मणी), i.e. he came into her womb. But they were very poor and due to convention, all to-be tirthankaras (तिर्थंकर) are born in very rich families. So, the god indra (इंद्र) exchanged the souls in the wombs of Devananda and the queen Trishla (त्रिशला). Thus, he was born to the king Siddhartha (सिद्धार्थ) and the queen trishla (त्रिशला). He was originally named 'vardhmaan' (वर्द्धमान) due to the profit in trade and other aspects in the kingdom of Vaishali (वैशाली) on his birth. He was born in Kundalapur (कुन्दलपुर).
He was very brave, even in his childhood, very characteristic of a tirthankar. Once while playing with his friends, they saw a snake which was drawing near them. Everyone began to ran away in fear save one, yes, mahavir swami. And due to this act of bravery by him, he was named 'Vir' (वीर). And due to his more such acts, he was eventually named 'Mahavir' (महावीर). He had an elder brother 'Nandivardhan' (नन्दीवर्धन) and a younger sister 'Sudarshana' (सुदर्शना). He was married to Yashoda (यशोदा) and had a daughter 'Priyadarshana' (प्रियदर्शना). Priyadarshana was eventually married to Jamaali (जमाली).
He wanted to take diksha at the age of 28, when his parents died. [This amounts to me telling you another anecdote. When he was in the womb of Trishla, he delibrately stopped moving so as to reduce the pain mother Trishla was feeling due to his movement. But when movement stopped, she even grew more troubled and worried. And then, Mahavir prabhu started his movements again, such was his greatness!!. And then, he vowed that he won't take diksha until his parents die, so that they do not feel pained.] But his brother nandivardhan stopped him, saying that he should atleast stay 2 years more with him. So, mahavir swami took diksha at the age of 30.
He got niravana (moksha ->मोक्ष) at the age of 72. Do you know, he gave deshna (i.e. व्याख्यान) for consecutively 3 days before getting nirvana.
Dont despair, more will be posted on this great soul in due time.