Tuesday, December 5

SAMTA- the ultimate feeling

So here's the meaning of samta
'Samta' means the feeling of sambhaav, i.e. to harbour the same feeling for all and at all times, and that too not of hatred or love, well, actually, it is inexplicable as a feeling. You do not have to be happy when it is time to celebrate for that shows your 'moh' to worldly things; and at the same time you do not have to be sad and cry your heart out whenever life's not fair.

Samta includes not to be happy when it is time to be, just think why you are getting this happiness? because of your unearthly deeds in your previous births that you are born as a human this time; to not to be sad when you do not have the circumstances in accord to you; to not to be arrogant about what you have got, which is worth showing off in this world, be it money (like the rich look upon the poor), or status, or fair colour of skin, or may be some exceptionally good qualities (be it academic or otherwise)--remember friends, if you have some coveted quality, say intelligence, it is because of the very fact that you have done really good deeds in the past such as meditation on soul, and that's why you have that power of intelligence in you, don't waste away this quality and get the 'bandh' of more karmas by showing off or boasting or being arrogant about it, ; to bear any atrocities on you be it to any degree or extent-Bhagwaan mahavir swami didnt even say 'ouch' or even a small lineof worry cross his forehead when a gwala had knocked 2 screws into his 2 ears; and much more...
The tirthankaras had an unusual incredible samta.
'Samta' is aptly the ultimate feeling. If one keeps samta, (the feeling of 'sambhaav') in his life at every crossroad or so, he is bound to make his way to 'moksha' easier.
On this note, let me relate a story which is worthy of mention. There was a group of sadhu. On the day of samvasri (will be elaborated upon in later posts), when even common ppl keep a fast, one sadhu urged on not keeping it, since he did not feel he would be able to keep it. He went fro bhiksha to take food from the household. When he came back, he showed what he had brought to the acharya(every group has a head 'acharya') -it was 'khichdi'. The acharya was angry since on such an auspicious day, a sadhu of his group did not keep a fast. (anger is a feeling to be deserted). Anyways, so the acharya spat on the khichdi. Here consider yourself in the state of the sadhu, wouldnt you have been double angry and rebuked (and that's how wars or quarrels begin), but the sadhu, kept samta, that is, he felt no emotion at that point of time, not even for an instance, did anger cross his mind.
And this was the most unearthly thing of all... He instantly got the 'keval gyaan' (will be elaborated in next posta), and he went to moksha,the ultimate deestination for soul.
Note: a soul who gets kevala gyaan is destined to go to moksha.
so you see, how very important 'samta' is to cross this world of ups and downs, of good and bad, of love and treachery or enmity, to settle in the peaceful of all places in universe and beyond... moksha.

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