Saturday, February 3


Today, I got to know about this short interesting example to illustrate our conditions.

Picture a blind man in a very large room. The room has just one small door. The blind man wants to get out of the room but doesn't know where is the door. After much futile labour, he devised a plan. He went near the wall and put a hand on the wall. He thought that he would move along the wall and get to the door finally, whether it be after a long time. He walked. An hour passed by but didn't reach the door yet (the room is so large). And then when he was just about to reach the door, his knee began to itch so painfully that he had to remove his hand from the wall and rub his knee with both his hands very vigorously. He passed by the door but didn't get to know about it. And then he put his hand on the wall...
Don't you feel magananimous or pathetic about that poor blind man? Well, first think about yourself.

The blind man is our soul, and the laaaaaarge room is this damn vast universe, where our soul resides, and roams continuously searching for that one Door.......moksha, yes, moksha.

It is highly unlikely that a soul (after the end of its one life) is reborn in manushya gati. Statistically, the probability approaches zero. And then, even if one gets this gati, it is far more unlikely that one gets 'dharma'. Do you know that in some parts of the world, there are people who eat other people. The actually devour babies and even children. You might be knowing about the Chinese who eat anything, absolutely anything. Why? because of the simple reason that there is absence of 'dharma', i.e. enlightenment or true awareness of what's right and what's wrong, about where we have come from and where do we have to go.
So consider yourself very lucky that you are a human, and yet a few times luckier that you are reading this, and knowing what dharma is.

Moksha is not a particular place where we have to go, rather it is a state of our soul, a permanent one. As our bondage with this strange world lessens, our soul moves towards moksha, its ultimate destination or better its ultimate state.

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